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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Best in class.. for this price you can expect this quality. Great for progressive playing, heavy suff. Loving every bit of it.
The crazy neck, fan stainless steel frets, 20 inch radius, multiscale string length, unique body carve allowing for multiple angles of the playing sets Stranberg guitars apart from all others
Ergonomic Design with the best of everything you can put on it. This ones a pure treat
Best in class.. for this price you can expect this quality. Great for progressive playing, heavy suff. Loving every bit of it.
The crazy neck, fan stainless steel frets, 20 inch radius, multiscale string length, unique body carve allowing for multiple angles of the playing sets Stranberg guitars apart from all others
Ergonomic Design with the best of everything you can put on it. This ones a pure treat