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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The name schecter says it all. The guitar has a good finish, with good pickups and fun to play especially if you are a soloist.
This is the best guitar in this price range. If you have been searching for a right guitar at a right price point....your search is over!!!!!
diamond pickups are great much more better than ibanez and esp guitar in this price range...basswood body also give good feedback...easy to handle and really smooth to play..with distortion and clean tone it goes well.
The name schecter says it all. The guitar has a good finish, with good pickups and fun to play especially if you are a soloist.
This is the best guitar in this price range. If you have been searching for a right guitar at a right price point....your search is over!!!!!
diamond pickups are great much more better than ibanez and esp guitar in this price range...basswood body also give good feedback...easy to handle and really smooth to play..with distortion and clean tone it goes well.