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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Visited the store (didnt realise there was a store also) and tried this model and some other. between the concert and tenor in this model, I just felt the tenor really sounded beautiful. felt good in the hand, good size, neck shape is easy to play and gives the low end that i wanted. tried it on the amp as well and finally went with the 1000TCE model.
Very responsive and loud. can easily perform with my band and really complements our sound. more than worth it
received the package in time, but had a minor dent, discussed it with the Bajaao team, honestly it doesnt affect the sound or stability of the unit and Im completely fine with it. Solid uke
got damaged in transit, but the guys were kind and fast to get me a replacement after picking this one. Next one came in good condition and plays great
The EQ model is the 1 i got. simple to use and good performance
it is actually functional and makes the full fretbaord so accessible. made me very very happy!
A solid top with EQ for this price is unreal esp. with Solid Spruce and that cut. very goood deal
I didnt expect this kinda sound from this uke. first time with Vault and Im blown. The finishing is well done and good feel under the fingers. Overall its an unbelieveable uke at an unbelieveable price. Going to explore more Vault stuff for sure
Spruce is good, would love to see more variety in the tops used, with some stained maple. would be soo attractive to look and play too
very impressed with the build quality of this.... looks solid and plays very well. frets are clean, fretboard quality is good and strings stay in tune, The tenor size has very good volume and bass. Just get it, dont have to think twice!!1!!
Visited the store (didnt realise there was a store also) and tried this model and some other. between the concert and tenor in this model, I just felt the tenor really sounded beautiful. felt good in the hand, good size, neck shape is easy to play and gives the low end that i wanted. tried it on the amp as well and finally went with the 1000TCE model.
Very responsive and loud. can easily perform with my band and really complements our sound. more than worth it
received the package in time, but had a minor dent, discussed it with the Bajaao team, honestly it doesnt affect the sound or stability of the unit and Im completely fine with it. Solid uke
got damaged in transit, but the guys were kind and fast to get me a replacement after picking this one. Next one came in good condition and plays great
The EQ model is the 1 i got. simple to use and good performance
it is actually functional and makes the full fretbaord so accessible. made me very very happy!
A solid top with EQ for this price is unreal esp. with Solid Spruce and that cut. very goood deal
I didnt expect this kinda sound from this uke. first time with Vault and Im blown. The finishing is well done and good feel under the fingers. Overall its an unbelieveable uke at an unbelieveable price. Going to explore more Vault stuff for sure
Spruce is good, would love to see more variety in the tops used, with some stained maple. would be soo attractive to look and play too
very impressed with the build quality of this.... looks solid and plays very well. frets are clean, fretboard quality is good and strings stay in tune, The tenor size has very good volume and bass. Just get it, dont have to think twice!!1!!