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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The SMX-20 DSLR Stereo Microphone is a compact, highly directional microphone intended for use with DSLR cameras. The SMX-20 greatly improves the audio on DSLR cameras, while its compact 5" (12.7cm) length makes it easy to mount and remain out of view.
Perfect mic for outdoor as well as indoor shoots!
It helps me a loot while making videos.. connectivity is simple and output is awesome.
The SMX-20 DSLR Stereo Microphone is a compact, highly directional microphone intended for use with DSLR cameras. The SMX-20 greatly improves the audio on DSLR cameras, while its compact 5" (12.7cm) length makes it easy to mount and remain out of view.
Perfect mic for outdoor as well as indoor shoots!
It helps me a loot while making videos.. connectivity is simple and output is awesome.