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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The outer layer made is really good and its light in weight
Its really a good mic for all types of user
Absolutely love the sound and quality Of this mic.. I bought 5 of them Love the quality
The output of the mic is really awesome
It makes me really happy to have chosen audio-technica mic in my setup
Captures sound even if kept at a distance without any disturbances
Mics from audio-technica are best for live and the extra noise are filtered really good
The outer layer made is really good and its light in weight
Its really a good mic for all types of user
Absolutely love the sound and quality Of this mic.. I bought 5 of them Love the quality
The output of the mic is really awesome
It makes me really happy to have chosen audio-technica mic in my setup
Captures sound even if kept at a distance without any disturbances
Mics from audio-technica are best for live and the extra noise are filtered really good