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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Mosr Worst product I have ever seen....
Vault Ukulele Capo - Black
Broken already, the worst product, cheap quality
Broke within a week
It broke within 2 days of normal use while playing the song.
Unlike guitar capo this one is cheap plastic capo which last for only two days..
It just broke on first day of using capo. Very disappoint with the product
Vault Ukulele Capo - Black
Vault Ukulele Capo - Black
i'ave received broken capo and its a cheap quality. now its in mu dustbin waste of money
Mosr Worst product I have ever seen....
Vault Ukulele Capo - Black
Broken already, the worst product, cheap quality
Broke within a week
It broke within 2 days of normal use while playing the song.
Unlike guitar capo this one is cheap plastic capo which last for only two days..
It just broke on first day of using capo. Very disappoint with the product
Vault Ukulele Capo - Black
Vault Ukulele Capo - Black
i'ave received broken capo and its a cheap quality. now its in mu dustbin waste of money