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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This instrument by Chateau has been an amazing upgrade ! The cognac finish and the engraving give a look so pretty, combined with the sweet tone it produces is a divine combination. After just 2 days of practicing on it, I took it out to play at a wedding and a few people from the crowd and the band members came to say how sweet the tone was without knowing it was a new saxophone!
These compliments just proved how much of an improvement the instrument made not just to the player but to the listener as well. What more does a musician need ?
Very pleased with the saxophone !
This instrument by Chateau has been an amazing upgrade ! The cognac finish and the engraving give a look so pretty, combined with the sweet tone it produces is a divine combination. After just 2 days of practicing on it, I took it out to play at a wedding and a few people from the crowd and the band members came to say how sweet the tone was without knowing it was a new saxophone!
These compliments just proved how much of an improvement the instrument made not just to the player but to the listener as well. What more does a musician need ?
Very pleased with the saxophone !