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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
wow!!! I can only write a review once i recieve my order, right??? It never reached me.... People, this website sucks..... They never mantain it..... Its always showing things that arent available as available and when youve alreay ordered n paid they send u an email apologising n saying that u will get your money back.... They did this with me 3 times for different typically indian!!! It sucks very much
wow!!! I can only write a review once i recieve my order, right??? It never reached me.... People, this website sucks..... They never mantain it..... Its always showing things that arent available as available and when youve alreay ordered n paid they send u an email apologising n saying that u will get your money back.... They did this with me 3 times for different typically indian!!! It sucks very much