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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I received a pair of these sticks recently. They feel just right for my hands. The hickory wood used is dense and solid. They seem durable too. Packing on the part of bajaoo was so good and safe. Just for a pair of sticks, a packing wrap was rolled up as big as 3" in diameter.
Best deal with BAJAAO. COM
Vic Firth 5BW American Classic Natural Drum Sticks
The tips are great for some punch and attack. Overall they feel great too.
I received a pair of these sticks recently. They feel just right for my hands. The hickory wood used is dense and solid. They seem durable too. Packing on the part of bajaoo was so good and safe. Just for a pair of sticks, a packing wrap was rolled up as big as 3" in diameter.
Best deal with BAJAAO. COM
Vic Firth 5BW American Classic Natural Drum Sticks
The tips are great for some punch and attack. Overall they feel great too.