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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
From look and handling easy to play.
Just added to my collection, it is just perfect. the pickups are amazing, Loved the tone quality. Thanks BAJAAO for the quick delivery.
It's PRS....Dont even worry about the quality, This is beauty.. love the color, The tone is awsome.
Amazing build quality!! The alpha/omega pickups are just amazingly warmest clean.. loved the tone.
Really nice. Well done finishing
From look and handling easy to play.
Just added to my collection, it is just perfect. the pickups are amazing, Loved the tone quality. Thanks BAJAAO for the quick delivery.
It's PRS....Dont even worry about the quality, This is beauty.. love the color, The tone is awsome.
Amazing build quality!! The alpha/omega pickups are just amazingly warmest clean.. loved the tone.
Really nice. Well done finishing