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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I was looking for a 49 key midi controller. I've never heard of Nektar before, but Keyboard Magazine had nothing but good things to say. I decided to take a chance. I'm certainly glad that I did. It sync's up to my DAW instantly, no hassles. It has synth action keys, but the product is A+ in build quality.PS _ I own a Trigger Finger Pro, so I did not need the pads, slider's and knobs on a small form factor controller. It does what it does very well!
I was looking for a 49 key midi controller. I've never heard of Nektar before, but Keyboard Magazine had nothing but good things to say. I decided to take a chance. I'm certainly glad that I did. It sync's up to my DAW instantly, no hassles. It has synth action keys, but the product is A+ in build quality.PS _ I own a Trigger Finger Pro, so I did not need the pads, slider's and knobs on a small form factor controller. It does what it does very well!