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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Vault C5 Powered Studio Monitors with Isolation Pads, Cables and Ebook - Pair
Recently picked these up for my home studio. They sound really amazing!
the best choice for beginner-intermediate level
This is a great option for beginner-intermediate level
a 5 Inch monitor in Pair for the price of 2 inch is very nice. Plus the bass and Mids and highs are all very clear for a small home studio. my beats translate better now after getting these speakers.
Amazing product for the price it has been offered
Vault C5 Powered Studio Monitors with Isolation Pads, Cables and Ebook - Pair
Recently picked these up for my home studio. They sound really amazing!
the best choice for beginner-intermediate level
This is a great option for beginner-intermediate level
a 5 Inch monitor in Pair for the price of 2 inch is very nice. Plus the bass and Mids and highs are all very clear for a small home studio. my beats translate better now after getting these speakers.
Amazing product for the price it has been offered