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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Havana EBS-440 4-String Electric Bass Guitar String
Smooth and bright sounding strings.
Overall great product, great price and long lasting
Smoother and easier to play
These strings exceptional value for money
These bass strings are the best I have ever used, simply brilliant.
These string sounds great.!!
Good for all bass
Havana EBS-440 4-String Electric Bass Guitar String
They covers all class of players.
Havana EBS-440 4-String Electric Bass Guitar String
Smooth and bright sounding strings.
Overall great product, great price and long lasting
Smoother and easier to play
These strings exceptional value for money
These bass strings are the best I have ever used, simply brilliant.
These string sounds great.!!
Good for all bass
Havana EBS-440 4-String Electric Bass Guitar String
They covers all class of players.