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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Very handy product! Easy to use and record.
Been using this since 2 months now and haven't faced any issues yet! Works very well for interviews and other recording processes! Good deal.
I used H4n and gave it to my brother..and then bought this..I don't know what the difference is apart from the price..H4n is a killer product...I have used the h4n in studio as well as my home records at 24-bit/96kHz..sound brilliant..very crip and clear and captures indepth sound....definitely worth the price.
Very handy product! Easy to use and record.
Been using this since 2 months now and haven't faced any issues yet! Works very well for interviews and other recording processes! Good deal.
I used H4n and gave it to my brother..and then bought this..I don't know what the difference is apart from the price..H4n is a killer product...I have used the h4n in studio as well as my home records at 24-bit/96kHz..sound brilliant..very crip and clear and captures indepth sound....definitely worth the price.