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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I bought this uke around 6 months ago. I would recommend this to beginners. I play many things on it and it handles great. As a soprano, there is not much frets to reach and its the only problem. Overall it's fun to play and people notice you when you're with it.
The ukulele is decent, for this price. The tuning doesn't hold very long though. This ukulele was shipped with a starter book that had basic chords.
I bought this uke around 6 months ago. I would recommend this to beginners. I play many things on it and it handles great. As a soprano, there is not much frets to reach and its the only problem. Overall it's fun to play and people notice you when you're with it.
The ukulele is decent, for this price. The tuning doesn't hold very long though. This ukulele was shipped with a starter book that had basic chords.