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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It's an amazing keyboard in the cheapest option.
This is a great keyboard. The Kross is much lighter and much easier to use. The "favorites" that you store for quick access are much easier to get to and there are more of them. I have the full 88 note keyboard and the touch is great for a real piano player. Weighted keys have good hammer action. Not the best, but way better than most. keys do not wiggle about or thud annoyingly. Has a lot of production capabilities. Being a workstation, that's obviously expected. Needless to say, it can do a lot in regards to performance and composition.
It's an amazing keyboard in the cheapest option.
This is a great keyboard. The Kross is much lighter and much easier to use. The "favorites" that you store for quick access are much easier to get to and there are more of them. I have the full 88 note keyboard and the touch is great for a real piano player. Weighted keys have good hammer action. Not the best, but way better than most. keys do not wiggle about or thud annoyingly. Has a lot of production capabilities. Being a workstation, that's obviously expected. Needless to say, it can do a lot in regards to performance and composition.