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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Samson PS01 Microphone Pop Filter
Shock Mount screw threads not matching the iRig Studio Mic threads
Ultimate Level Condenser.
Its sturdy and does the job well and not too costly.
Does the job for the budget... It serves the purpose .. needs to check the durability...
Build quality is awesome
Delivered very fastly by Bajaao .Thanks for that ! Great quality ! Simply loved it !
got it with AKG mic. This product is a great value for money
Samson PS01 Microphone Pop Filter
Shock Mount screw threads not matching the iRig Studio Mic threads
Ultimate Level Condenser.
Its sturdy and does the job well and not too costly.
Does the job for the budget... It serves the purpose .. needs to check the durability...
Build quality is awesome
Delivered very fastly by Bajaao .Thanks for that ! Great quality ! Simply loved it !
got it with AKG mic. This product is a great value for money