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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The NGE-10 NEON strings are a durable and bright set of strings suitable for rock or metal, and guess what? They actually glow and brings a eerie and mysterious feel to the guitar!n Get them now if you want to add a massive stage presence to your band, Bajaao delivered them to me in a week. \m/
The NGE-10 NEON strings are a durable and bright set of strings suitable for rock or metal, and guess what? They actually glow and brings a eerie and mysterious feel to the guitar!n Get them now if you want to add a massive stage presence to your band, Bajaao delivered them to me in a week. \m/
The NGE-10 NEON strings are a durable and bright set of strings suitable for rock or metal, and guess what? They actually glow and brings a eerie and mysterious feel to the guitar!n Get them now if you want to add a massive stage presence to your band, Bajaao delivered them to me in a week. \m/
The NGE-10 NEON strings are a durable and bright set of strings suitable for rock or metal, and guess what? They actually glow and brings a eerie and mysterious feel to the guitar!n Get them now if you want to add a massive stage presence to your band, Bajaao delivered them to me in a week. \m/