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Blackstar ID:Core 10W 2x5 Stereo Combo Guitar Amplifier - Open Box
Blackstar ID:Core 10W 2x5 Stereo Combo Guitar Amplifier - Open Box
Bought this product online and I am very satisfied with its quality. The INSIDER software makes editing and storing patches very easy. This is my best recent purchase.
took this aftet using peavey rage 258. The noise gate is fabulous and the presets are awesome. Value for money
Blackstar ID:Core 10W 2x5 Stereo Combo Guitar Amplifier - Open Box
Blackstar ID:Core 10W 2x5 Stereo Combo Guitar Amplifier - Open Box
Bought this product online and I am very satisfied with its quality. The INSIDER software makes editing and storing patches very easy. This is my best recent purchase.
took this aftet using peavey rage 258. The noise gate is fabulous and the presets are awesome. Value for money