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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Very good violin for beginners only thing I have noticed there is no brand name written on the violin or in the box .
this is the best u can buy for beginners. I bought this as there were not many options to choose from. I'm glad I did. It hasn't been that long since I bought this violin but I can say this much it has awesome looks and sound quality. Its just right if you are a biginner since it does not compromise on quality at the price paid for the same at least to give you the feel of an actual instrument which one can use till you can buy a better performance quality violin.
Very good violin for beginners only thing I have noticed there is no brand name written on the violin or in the box .
this is the best u can buy for beginners. I bought this as there were not many options to choose from. I'm glad I did. It hasn't been that long since I bought this violin but I can say this much it has awesome looks and sound quality. Its just right if you are a biginner since it does not compromise on quality at the price paid for the same at least to give you the feel of an actual instrument which one can use till you can buy a better performance quality violin.