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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I got it this in Rs 3580, Sounds very good Waiting for Pluto TK series China cymbal.
Why go for 10 k hihat when these local made Amazing hihats sound so sweet..
For the price these cymbals are excellent. They produce a clean and clear sound. All in all an excellent purchase and highly recommended by me to anyone with limited money.
Produce sound quality that i dont even expect,its awesome.According to my hearing,sounds better than my previous zbt hi hat.Thanks Bajaao
I obsess over cymbals. I spent countless hours looking for the perfect hi hat pair and I definitely found it. A cost effective product for those who are tight on budget. Great sound on an unbelievable price :)
I got it this in Rs 3580, Sounds very good Waiting for Pluto TK series China cymbal.
Why go for 10 k hihat when these local made Amazing hihats sound so sweet..
For the price these cymbals are excellent. They produce a clean and clear sound. All in all an excellent purchase and highly recommended by me to anyone with limited money.
Produce sound quality that i dont even expect,its awesome.According to my hearing,sounds better than my previous zbt hi hat.Thanks Bajaao
I obsess over cymbals. I spent countless hours looking for the perfect hi hat pair and I definitely found it. A cost effective product for those who are tight on budget. Great sound on an unbelievable price :)