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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I dont have drum set now but i have a great feeling that this natal drum set is damn amazing love this drum...
excellent quality
Recently bought this Natal Evolution kit for my music classes and I loved the make of this kit.It is sturdy and the wood quality is very strong... The Kick gives you a deep sound as well as the toms.The hardware is well built and sturdy enough so I am hoping the corrosion chances would be less in future.For the Cymbals, as it came with drums itself... the cymbals are good enough for practice but not that durable... (Anyways package cymbals are not always good)But overall, the kit is nice including its sound.At this price i would love to recommend Natal to my students and to you al well.
I dont have drum set now but i have a great feeling that this natal drum set is damn amazing love this drum...
excellent quality
Recently bought this Natal Evolution kit for my music classes and I loved the make of this kit.It is sturdy and the wood quality is very strong... The Kick gives you a deep sound as well as the toms.The hardware is well built and sturdy enough so I am hoping the corrosion chances would be less in future.For the Cymbals, as it came with drums itself... the cymbals are good enough for practice but not that durable... (Anyways package cymbals are not always good)But overall, the kit is nice including its sound.At this price i would love to recommend Natal to my students and to you al well.