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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It just adds life to your fretboard. Just use whenever you change strings or feel like frets are looking dirty. It cleans like a champ. You can even use to clean bridge parts and the tuners. It removes the oxidation from the surface. I even used it on the pickups and it cleaned the oxidation. But I would suggest to use it in low quantity. Just give it a try. You will love to see the results. Music nomad never disappoints.
It just adds life to your fretboard. Just use whenever you change strings or feel like frets are looking dirty. It cleans like a champ. You can even use to clean bridge parts and the tuners. It removes the oxidation from the surface. I even used it on the pickups and it cleaned the oxidation. But I would suggest to use it in low quantity. Just give it a try. You will love to see the results. Music nomad never disappoints.