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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Kala is a great brand. Soprano size may be small for you is a large hand. the specific issue with this Openbox variety is that you cant return. The issue with my product is it gets detuned every day, takes a few minutes to tune and also came with a completely rubbish bag with visible scratches and marks (not the Hawaiian engraving). Finally, this uke has got good sound and I am learning well already.
Kala is a great brand. Soprano size may be small for you is a large hand. the specific issue with this Openbox variety is that you cant return. The issue with my product is it gets detuned every day, takes a few minutes to tune and also came with a completely rubbish bag with visible scratches and marks (not the Hawaiian engraving). Finally, this uke has got good sound and I am learning well already.