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These have been my favorite picks for a long time now
The Ultex material offers a slip-free grip. Nice for shredding. If you can get used to these, it offers thrice the life (as it has three usable tips!) as against the conventional one-tip picks.
It is good for long guitar sessions. It doesn't easily slip away due to sweating during long guitar sessions.
good stuff....kind of mate finish....non slippery...recommend for accoustic guitars at this gauge....
These have been my favorite picks for a long time now
The Ultex material offers a slip-free grip. Nice for shredding. If you can get used to these, it offers thrice the life (as it has three usable tips!) as against the conventional one-tip picks.
It is good for long guitar sessions. It doesn't easily slip away due to sweating during long guitar sessions.
good stuff....kind of mate finish....non slippery...recommend for accoustic guitars at this gauge....