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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Our drummer is using it for the acoustic performances and he loves it.
Thanks to Bajaj team firstly for helping out with choosing my first Cajon. Believe me, the packaging was really nice.Secondly, about the Cajon, it is best entry level Cajon which you could use for Stage Shows and recording purpose. It is a 4-strings attached Cajon which can be tuned easily. Good bass effect and snare sound.Thanks Thomann and BAJAAO.
Our drummer is using it for the acoustic performances and he loves it.
Thanks to Bajaj team firstly for helping out with choosing my first Cajon. Believe me, the packaging was really nice.Secondly, about the Cajon, it is best entry level Cajon which you could use for Stage Shows and recording purpose. It is a 4-strings attached Cajon which can be tuned easily. Good bass effect and snare sound.Thanks Thomann and BAJAAO.