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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I am using this for my splash cymbal. I have attached this Cymbal Arm with Clamp to the Hi-Hat stand. I had actually thought of buying a separate cymbal stand for my splash cymbal, and then I came across this Millenium CBC Cymbal Arm with Clamp on Bajaao and bought it. It is very useful, allows me to change direction and height and I have no complaints so far. Very good product.
I am using this for my splash cymbal. I have attached this Cymbal Arm with Clamp to the Hi-Hat stand. I had actually thought of buying a separate cymbal stand for my splash cymbal, and then I came across this Millenium CBC Cymbal Arm with Clamp on Bajaao and bought it. It is very useful, allows me to change direction and height and I have no complaints so far. Very good product.