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This Wah wah padel works really good after i have been using it for last 4 months.You can also boost the sound and intensity through it.happy with the buying.Thank you Bajaao.
Have been using it for a year. Recommendable!
This is the best WAH-WAH unit below the 10,000 price range.It has all the features of the crybaby535q.Only downside is that it is made of some plastic.
this a great wah for the price! a lot of options to vary the sound and frequency of your wah. however i felt the sweep was a little bit shorter than compared to my crybaby original wah. however unlike the crybaby its much lighter in terms of weight and price. the added benefit of optical control actually helps the product last much longer. ive had mine for more than a year and a half now, sounds cool. its a formidable opponent to the crybaby but not as good it. however if you are looking for a lightweight piece, or a spare wah pedal, this one more than fits the bill.!!
really good and value for money
This Wah wah padel works really good after i have been using it for last 4 months.You can also boost the sound and intensity through it.happy with the buying.Thank you Bajaao.
Have been using it for a year. Recommendable!
This is the best WAH-WAH unit below the 10,000 price range.It has all the features of the crybaby535q.Only downside is that it is made of some plastic.
this a great wah for the price! a lot of options to vary the sound and frequency of your wah. however i felt the sweep was a little bit shorter than compared to my crybaby original wah. however unlike the crybaby its much lighter in terms of weight and price. the added benefit of optical control actually helps the product last much longer. ive had mine for more than a year and a half now, sounds cool. its a formidable opponent to the crybaby but not as good it. however if you are looking for a lightweight piece, or a spare wah pedal, this one more than fits the bill.!!
really good and value for money