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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Excellent product! On time delivery! Genuine product!
If you're a sound vendor like me, this is one must-have, drum micing package. It comes complete with a Kick drum cardioid, 3 toms, 1 snare and 2 super cardioid condensers. The quality delivered by these mics is matchless! Good micing can make a drum shine through the mix and this is exactly what these mics deliver. And you simply can't go wrong with Sennheiser. Go for this set!
Excellent product! On time delivery! Genuine product!
If you're a sound vendor like me, this is one must-have, drum micing package. It comes complete with a Kick drum cardioid, 3 toms, 1 snare and 2 super cardioid condensers. The quality delivered by these mics is matchless! Good micing can make a drum shine through the mix and this is exactly what these mics deliver. And you simply can't go wrong with Sennheiser. Go for this set!