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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Roland finally came up with an Excellent Controller, Composing Orchestral Scores never seemed this easy.Especially with those Ivory keys, The quality of the keys are Amazing, A Pianist can totally relate to this controller, as it replicates the feel of an Acoustic Piano that has heavy feel down at the bass and lighter feel as it goes up.If you are Practicing the Piano or Controlling your Synths or Composing for a Film this Controller is Simply amazing and Wonderful.
Roland finally came up with an Excellent Controller, Composing Orchestral Scores never seemed this easy.Especially with those Ivory keys, The quality of the keys are Amazing, A Pianist can totally relate to this controller, as it replicates the feel of an Acoustic Piano that has heavy feel down at the bass and lighter feel as it goes up.If you are Practicing the Piano or Controlling your Synths or Composing for a Film this Controller is Simply amazing and Wonderful.