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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
this is the most cheat website.. and i have been cheated once. i have ordered guitar and they canceled n change the price
I had ordered this guitar for Rs.31990, waited for well over a month and had to call multiple times to get an update saying the product is not available anymore. I was only left with option to cancel my order although I could clearly see the product as available but the price had increased. I was really looking forward to receive this guitar but feel cheated as my purchase was confirmed and paid in advance but ended up unfulfilled. This is really frustrating and unprofessional from their end and expect them to have a better way to make sure they have the listings updated properly and not fool the customers with wrong pricings.
So this guitar was up for 30,000 a week ago , I was really excited and thought of buying it ........I checked it daily and today somehow it went up for 20 grand more
this is the most cheat website.. and i have been cheated once. i have ordered guitar and they canceled n change the price
I had ordered this guitar for Rs.31990, waited for well over a month and had to call multiple times to get an update saying the product is not available anymore. I was only left with option to cancel my order although I could clearly see the product as available but the price had increased. I was really looking forward to receive this guitar but feel cheated as my purchase was confirmed and paid in advance but ended up unfulfilled. This is really frustrating and unprofessional from their end and expect them to have a better way to make sure they have the listings updated properly and not fool the customers with wrong pricings.
So this guitar was up for 30,000 a week ago , I was really excited and thought of buying it ........I checked it daily and today somehow it went up for 20 grand more