Make your purchase using any Credit or Debt card EMI and Bajaao will return the total interest charged, as Cashback to your bajaao wallet.
(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I was disappointed with the Bajaao service as I received a faulty piece initially and had to return back for a replacement. The quality of material is good but I'm there are a lot of issues with the parts such as such screws are bent and some dents in the pipe. The replacement also had minor issues which I had to fix. I did not return it again as I received this finally more than a months wait.
I was disappointed with the Bajaao service as I received a faulty piece initially and had to return back for a replacement. The quality of material is good but I'm there are a lot of issues with the parts such as such screws are bent and some dents in the pipe. The replacement also had minor issues which I had to fix. I did not return it again as I received this finally more than a months wait.