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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
In this price its best
Good product and good packaging
Amazing Pedal
Honestly, a decent pedal tuner costs more than what this pedal costs. And for what it does, it is pretty damn cheap. The construction is sturdy, the presets are decent and needs tweaking. The preamps sound rich and the modulations sound brilliant. The OD and Dist patches are not that great and can be sometimes a bit digital sounding with a lot of noise, but nothing that a decent noise gate can not take care of. The construction is sturdy and the design does not fail to impress. Zoom sure upped their game a notch with this pedal. If you're looking for versatility and space conservation on your board and on a tight budget, this is the place to look!
its a nice pedal at an amazing price i have nice effects with this must hav this its amazing
its a nice pedal at an amazing price i have nice effects with this must hav this its amazing
In this price its best
Good product and good packaging
Amazing Pedal
Honestly, a decent pedal tuner costs more than what this pedal costs. And for what it does, it is pretty damn cheap. The construction is sturdy, the presets are decent and needs tweaking. The preamps sound rich and the modulations sound brilliant. The OD and Dist patches are not that great and can be sometimes a bit digital sounding with a lot of noise, but nothing that a decent noise gate can not take care of. The construction is sturdy and the design does not fail to impress. Zoom sure upped their game a notch with this pedal. If you're looking for versatility and space conservation on your board and on a tight budget, this is the place to look!
its a nice pedal at an amazing price i have nice effects with this must hav this its amazing
its a nice pedal at an amazing price i have nice effects with this must hav this its amazing